
Friday Oct 28, 2022
147 - Kanye West, Mel Gibson, and Walt Disney Walk into a Bar
Friday Oct 28, 2022
Friday Oct 28, 2022
Hey pecker heads! Sit down for a little chat between the fellas that will surely save the world. Joe Burrow has entered psycho win mode. Kanye hates the Jews. Mattress Mack is a dirty hedge better. Mr. Bert stops by for the first of many reviews. Lil Nick is coming off a hot week and gives his picks. The Aging Cocksmith stops by to tell the gentleman how to last longer in the sack. JD Vance still sucks. That Hairy Guy writes in to gloat and the guys remind him again that he's a dork. All that and much more. Tune in wiggle tits!

Thursday Oct 20, 2022
146 - Unsolicited Sex Advice feat. Ryan Acres
Thursday Oct 20, 2022
Thursday Oct 20, 2022
This week the guys are joined by Ryan Acres for another extremely important, society saving podcast. Ryan and Chris delve deep into the art of muff diving. Jason is appalled that anyone would put beans on their chili dogs. The guys spend 10 minutes gushing over Brad Pitt like a bunch of school girls. How much would you need to be paid to retrieve a wedding ring out of a strange man's butthole? Ryan plays judge and jury as Jason and Chris argue over a heated incident that happened down at Fort Fart. All that and some other stuff that I forgot about. Tune in, peckerheads.

Thursday Oct 06, 2022
145: F-You Taylor Swift!
Thursday Oct 06, 2022
Thursday Oct 06, 2022
The guys ride solo this week to tackle all of life's biggest obstacles. The Bengals are winning ugly but still winning. We play a game of "Jeffrey Dahmer or Matt Hudson" where we pick who we'd choose to do random things with. Jason hates a local bar for false advertising. The guys went out to Bill Burr at the local hockey arena and give their review. Jason has to decide between getting a used car or paying for his dog's allergy shots. How much would it cost to get the guys to work for Donald Trump's campaign? Tune in, fellow peckerheads.

Thursday Sep 29, 2022
144 w/ Scott Van Knopf
Thursday Sep 29, 2022
Thursday Sep 29, 2022
The guys are joined this week by ESPN's not own Scott Van Knopf. Scott hosts a game of trivia between Chris and Jason where the loser has to dye his hair the color of the winner's choosing. We play a round of Does That Make Me Gay and What's Your Price. The guys talk Bengals and Lil Nick swings by for his big picks. All that and a bowl of noodle gravy. Join us, peckerheads.

Thursday Sep 22, 2022
143 w/ Reggie
Thursday Sep 22, 2022
Thursday Sep 22, 2022
Big Reggie joins us the guys this week for another life saving podcast. Reggie tells us about his recent stay in jail and his experience getting his butt licked. (Not the same night) Brett Farve is a horrible person, Chris hates immigrants, and Jason's son thinks he's fat and disgusting. We discuss fictitious celebrity fights and why the Bengals suck so far. Lil Nick stops by for his big picks and much more. Tune in.

Thursday Sep 15, 2022
142 - Shut Up Cincinnati is back!!
Thursday Sep 15, 2022
Thursday Sep 15, 2022
Join the guys as they decide they made a horrible decision by changing the podcast name last year. Shut Up Cincinnati is back and we celebrate by doing the classics. 6 different segments including A$shole of the Week, Does That Make Me Gay, F*ck You, I Need a Hewo, Name Your Price, and Sexual Advice From an Aged Cocksmith. We open the show with Bengals talk and have a visit by Nick Marchette. Chris tells us what the butt-eater thinks of his brozillian. Are you ready to giggle? Well, tune in, peckerheads!

Monday Sep 05, 2022
141 - Fear and Waxing in Las Vegas
Monday Sep 05, 2022
Monday Sep 05, 2022
Join us this week for another intellectually challenging podcast with your local window lickers. Jason drinks dead flies. Chris went to Vegas and got his butthole waxed while his male friend waited in the lobby. Jason thinks women are wimpy about child birth. Chris would look really good with a Hitler mustache. Tune in and enjoy a chuckle or two, peckerheads.

Tuesday Aug 30, 2022
140 w/ The Heavy Weights
Tuesday Aug 30, 2022
Tuesday Aug 30, 2022
This week features over a half ton of man meat as the guys welcome in Nathan Brierly and Matt Hudson. Collectively these 4 men are known as the Heavyweights in the craps pit. Chris is a self hating old person. Jason is taking a hard stand in favor of poor pronunciation. Everyone hates the mail these days. Jason's kid draws a picture of him being a big fatty boom boom. Chris reminds us how much he loves farts for the 1000th time. Jason thinks Matt is too smart to actually believe religion and Chris is offended that he isn't too smart to believe it. Join us, poopy pants McGee's, for another life changing podcast or die alone and hopeless. Your choice.

Monday Aug 22, 2022
139 - Feline Assisted Meat Canoe Stimulation
Monday Aug 22, 2022
Monday Aug 22, 2022
Join the guys for the answers to all of life's big questions. Can you trick a cat to get a lady off with a laser pointer? Why isn't there a vagina store called "Lips" in the mall? Did Chris get cucked in back in Arizona by Dave the Bull? Will Jessie Bates play for the Bengals this year? What would it feel like to have hot sauce shot down your pee hole? Can Chris stop saying homosexual slurs? Would you share a plate of nachos with a lady that has sex with dogs? All these questions are answered and much more. Tune in, spunk bubblers.

Monday Aug 15, 2022
138 - White Trash, 2 Jägs, and a Nail Gun
Monday Aug 15, 2022
Monday Aug 15, 2022
Hey turd petters, stop diddling your starfish and join us for another important episode of Never Trust a Fart. Chris denies that he has white trash tendencies. Jason tries not to lose his temper at the dermatologist office. Chris wants Lebron James to stop having opinions. Jason wants Brittney Griner released from jail as well as every other person jailed for marijuana in America. The guys discuss the idiot Proud Boy who tried to take the FBI down with a nail gun and decide that they need to make a troll account on Donald Trump's social media platform, Truth Social. Chris is still looking for volunteers to wax his butthole. What more can we say, listen to the damn show already!