
Tuesday Dec 28, 2021
Never Trust a Fart - Ep. 106
Tuesday Dec 28, 2021
Tuesday Dec 28, 2021
Jason and Chris fly solo this week and take on a vicious attack by a new emailer named after a famous fake nazi. Is a buffet line the most exotic place Jason has ever visited? Is Chris too sloppy to have a cuck relationship? Should fat people be allowed to eat on the air? We skirt around the answers and fire back at our obviously racist critic. Does Joey Burrow officially owns the Ravens. Maybe the Jan. 6 invaders were making a sound decision for their futures? All those questions are answered and much more. Tune in fellow peckerheads.

Monday Dec 20, 2021
Never Trust a Fart - Ep. 105 w/ Nathan
Monday Dec 20, 2021
Monday Dec 20, 2021
Just a bunch of burly bears talking crap on a Saturday. Jason and Chris are joined by their small handed friend, Nathan, for another riveting episode of Never Trust a Fart. Jason gets temporally banned from facebook for posting butthole pictures. Chris debates if he can be the bull if the cuck isn't in the room. Nathan tells us how he didn't wipe his butt in Thailand. The guys talk about how many sharts they had this year. We try to guess buttholes from different nationalities. All that and a bowl of peanut butter brisket cereal. Join us turd-butts.

Monday Dec 06, 2021
Never Trust a Fart = Ep. 104 w/ Whoopi
Monday Dec 06, 2021
Monday Dec 06, 2021
Join your friendly gutter dwellers for another super important episode of Never Trust a Fart. Chris and Jason are joined by the blumpkin champ, Whoopi. We play a round of "Top or Bottom." Whoopi is addicted to internet auctions. Chris tells us about the time his friend was having sex with a hooker who stopped mid-way to poop in a metal tray and then continue. A guy put a live bomb in his butt. School shooters are bad. We discuss generic grocery store brands and double headed dildos. All that and a pinch to grow on. Get your father's favorite wrench out of your bootyhole and join us for a brilliant discussion.

Sunday Nov 28, 2021
Never Trust a Fart - Ep. 103 w/ Aisha
Sunday Nov 28, 2021
Sunday Nov 28, 2021
Join your local dirt bags, Chris and Jason, for another important discussion about nothing in particular. Aisha joins us this week to put up with our bullsh#t. We discuss the "Karen" haircut, Wesley Snipe's new found wonky eye, and Chris's use of outdated slang. Aisha tries to pick Chris's butthole out of a lineup and also plays a round of "Who ya Bangin'". The guys are blown away that Aisha spends about 90 days a year getting her nails and hair done. Jason misses Jeffery Dahmer We visit feetfinder.com but decide not to buy any foot pictures. Martin Luther Teas tells us how happy he is that the morons who murdered Armand Aubry were found guilty. Jason wonders if black people all got together and decided to send one member of their family to represent them and live in Atlanta. We got the answers you need and you know you want to listen. Get to it, peckerheads.

Sunday Nov 21, 2021
Never Trust a Fart - Ep. 102 w/ Darshwood
Sunday Nov 21, 2021
Sunday Nov 21, 2021
New name, same goofy show. The guys are joined by magician, Darshwood Darsh, out of Louisville for a few tricks and some gutter talk. We ask Darsh if magician style sleight of hand can help you cheat at a casino. Chris hates Jehovah Witnesses and Jason doesn't care for Kyle Rittenhouse. Can you really fit a can of Raid in your butt? Is David Blaine a magician or just a dork that can hold his breath? Why do black people get freaked out by magic? We answer all these questions and much more. Put down the crack pipe, Turnip, and buzz in for the pod. You can take a shower after, we won't judge you.

Sunday Nov 14, 2021

Monday Nov 08, 2021

Sunday Oct 31, 2021
Shut Up Cincinnati - Ep. 99 w/ El Guerrero Gordo
Sunday Oct 31, 2021
Sunday Oct 31, 2021
Join us this week as we have a special co-host take over the podcast. Chris is joined in studio with his rival, El Guerrero Gordo, as Jason takes the week off to lose a toe or two. El Gordo squashes his beef with Chris but isn't afraid to cut a kids feet off if their parents misbehave. Chris confuses El Gordo when he informs him that he actually lets the women live after having sex with them. It turns out that Chris and El Gordo are both into the same type of creepy and possibly rapey porn. The local white trash convict is going to clean up Jason's favorite Taco Bell, AJ Green retired mid play, and according to El Guerrero Gordo, AC Slater is the greatest MMA fighter of all time. Put down your pencils, nerds, and join us for a couple giggles.

Sunday Oct 24, 2021
Shut Up Cincinnati - Ep. 98 w/ Gary Beck
Sunday Oct 24, 2021
Sunday Oct 24, 2021
Take off your Kayne Crocs, sit back and listen to the smooth voices of Chris and Jason, joined this week by the sultry sounds of Gary Beck. We decide if Ron Jeremy can beat up John Travolta. Gary shits the bed, not on the podcast but literally pooped in his bed. Chris tells us about the time that he tried to get AC Slater to finger bang a bar whore with him. Jason wants all the bee's to die. We talk Kayne's masks and Barbara Bush's hay-tossing past. We dive deep into absolutely nothing and come out on the other end with zero accomplished just like the doctor ordered. Saddle-up buckos and join the fun.

Sunday Oct 17, 2021
Shut Up Cincinnati - Episode 97
Sunday Oct 17, 2021
Sunday Oct 17, 2021
The guys have no guests to join their weekly circle jerk so they solve all the world's problems by themselves. Jon Gruden may or may not be racist but he's certainly an as$hole. Dave Chapelle upsets people that don't listen to Dave Chapelle. Flat Earther, Kyrie Irving, probably shouldn't be the spokesperson for your movement regardless of the message. Chris is getting lots of advertisement for old people dating because he's old. Jason wonders if it's ok to masturbate while watching someone have sex if they were later murdered because of it by a jealous boyfriend. Tom Cruise got fat and looks like Norm MacDonald. Chris hates the homeless. All that and so much more. Tune in, fartknockers.