
Sunday Mar 26, 2023
167 - Licking Spunky Windows
Sunday Mar 26, 2023
Sunday Mar 26, 2023
Howdy doody pecker heads! Welcome to another super duper important podcast! We answer all of life's biggest mysteries. Why would someone want you to ejaculate on their windows? Who showed their dong at a local Petsmart? Why is Chris obsessed with his friend's giant schlong after all these years? What kind of doctor acts shocked over the size of a kid's unit? If you haven't noticed yet, there's a whole lot of penis talk this week for whatever reason. We talk about other things too but get ready for a butt-load of conversation about the ol' bald headed yogurt slinger. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Sunday Mar 19, 2023
166 - Shoplifting Mad Dog 20/20
Sunday Mar 19, 2023
Sunday Mar 19, 2023
What's up buttercups? Join the fellas this week for a chat about the most important crap ever. Does it hurt to get kicked in the dong if the sack isn't touched? Is leg and pit hair on a lady a deal breaker? Which decade was better, the 80ties or 90ties? Would you pee on Taylor Swift's feet if they were on fire? Will Percocet make you last longer in the sack? Chris updates us on the body building cucks. Jason's kid spends 300 dollars on a phone game. Chris is looking to visit a rub and tug joint. All that and we debate how much money we would take to help a diddler out of jail. Join us, Peckernecks.

Sunday Mar 12, 2023
165 - Butt Plugs for the Patients w/ Whoopi
Sunday Mar 12, 2023
Sunday Mar 12, 2023
Hello peckerheads! Whoopi joins the show this week to fill us in on the world's happenings. Can Jason find a way to blow Derek Jeter and get one his famous gift baskets in exchange? Do we call all ex-boxers "champ" just to make them feel good for being punchy? Is pornstar, Lela Star, a hero for banging her fans? Jason decides to style his hair like the Hairy Guy. Whoopi and Chris are looking to start a charity that supplies people who masturbate with household items a proper sex toy after they get vegetables removed from their buttholes. Why are we testing cats for cocaine? All that and some other stuff that will make your mom think less of you for listening to. Tune in, Poops Mcgee.

Monday Mar 06, 2023
164 - Hating Your Friends Goals w/ Nathan B.
Monday Mar 06, 2023
Monday Mar 06, 2023
Happy March turd-cutters! Nathan joins us for a super important conversation about nothing of importance. Jason tells us he's losing weight so he can make fun of fat people and live longer than Chris. Chris claims his jaw won't fall off from tobacco products although according to Jason he may get forehead cancer from vaping. Nathan comes from strong stock seeing how his grandma smoked 100 cigarettes a day. Chris tries to make the guys seem racist but just comes off as racist in the process. Nathan is a horrible person because he hates when his friends try to better themselves. Does using the small cart at the grocery store make you bi-curious? Will Jason smoke a stink bug? Why do only scumbags still use bookies? We answer those questions and Chris probably talks about his butthole and pecker at some point or another. Join in, fluffy-toots!

Sunday Feb 26, 2023
163 - White Trash Teeth and A Dieting Fatty
Sunday Feb 26, 2023
Sunday Feb 26, 2023
We're finally back after taking a week off due to Chris coming down with a bad case of Monkey Pox. Jason visits the doctor and finds out he's fat. Chris is a big dummy and messed up his dental surgery. The City of Cincinnati sucks at basically everything. FC Cincinnati shouldn't need renovations after being open for a few years and especially if their team sucks. Good weed makes you cough more but Chris still hates his neighbor. Jason is turning to ridicule to help stay on his diet. Does eating butt cause you to need gum scaling as an older adult? All that and other stuff. Tune in or we will tickle your toes with a dead otter's whiskers!

Thursday Feb 09, 2023
162 - We Suck At This Podcast Thing
Thursday Feb 09, 2023
Thursday Feb 09, 2023
What's happening, lactating goat-nips! Join the guys this week as everything goes wrong with the show. Music doesn't work. Bits aren't together. Jason almost burnt down the studio and his house. Chris has some advice on a toy that will give you monster loads. The Chief of the Navaho Nation shoots up an Asian grocery store in Evandale, Ohio to keep everyone compliant in Japan. Lil Nick stops by for his Superbowl picks. We talk the NBA trade deadline and give our picks for the Superbowl as if you care. There's more but I have to take a poo so that's all I'm writing. Tune in.

Thursday Feb 02, 2023
161 - Haha! Fat Guy Falls Down Stairs
Thursday Feb 02, 2023
Thursday Feb 02, 2023
Hey there barf-tits! Come join your local pecker heads for a brilliant conversation that solves all the world's problems. Jason fell down some stairs like a dumb fatty. Chris has been doing cuck research. Although it's not completely their fault, the refs in the AFC championship game can choke on a satchel of donkey dongs. The Speedway in North Bend serves their burgers frozen. Why are cops still out there killing people. Is it creepy to have sex with an adult with an 8 year old body? Is noon a time or a time frame and why is our friend, Reggie, an idiot? All these questions are answered and much more. Tune in!

Friday Jan 27, 2023
160- Celebrity Death Pool 2023
Friday Jan 27, 2023
Friday Jan 27, 2023
Bow your head to Satan and join your favorite chuckle heads as they host 2023's Celebrity Death Pool. Will this be the year that Michael J Fox finally stops shaking? Will he take Doc with him? Could we lose both Cheech and Chong in the same year? Why does someone think Blanket Jackson is going to die? Will the Aids get the best of Charlie Sheen? Will someone finally bludgen Jerry Sandusky to death in prison? Is snitching going to catch up with Gunna? Who in the hell is NBA Young Boy and why will he possibly die this year? Find out on this week's episode of Shut Up Cincinnati.

Thursday Jan 19, 2023
159 - Brad Pitt’s Mediocre Pecker
Thursday Jan 19, 2023
Thursday Jan 19, 2023
Hey turd sniffers, it's that time of the week! Everyone's favorite knuckleheads gather around a few microphones and talk out their asses. Whoopi calls in and plays a game of "Who's Dong is Bigger-Celebrity Edition." The guys laugh at a couple of dorks in California that were really bad at being racist. Chris scheduled his second butthole waxing. Duke Energy sucks really bad and you should feel bad about yourself if you work for them. With their offensive line decimated, do the Bengals have a chance at the ring? All that and some more useless banter that may make you giggle. Tune in ya doofus!

Thursday Jan 12, 2023
158 - It’s only a felony if you get caught
Thursday Jan 12, 2023
Thursday Jan 12, 2023
Gather the chaps and listen in as the guys discuss all the finer things in life and answer all the important questions. What's the point of lasting longer if your pecker can't feel a thing? Why did Elon Musk's ego make him lose more money than anyone in history? Why was Mike Brown dumb enough to turn down Deion Sanders in his prime? What is the difference between a honkey and a cracker? Jason tells us about the time he helped drug his friend and how it didn't turn out well. Chris tells us about the time he put his donger on a passed out fella and how it didn't turn out well. The aging cocksmith stops by for a product review and Chris celebrates winning his fantasy football league because a man died on the field. All that and much more. Tune in, piss pants.